Heather Wenna Ferguson is a 88-year-old former partner at a law firm who enjoys watching television, Rubix cube and working on cars. She is bright and inspiring, but can also be very cowardly and a bit lazy.

She is Brazilian who defines herself as asexual. She has a degree in law. She is allergic to hazelnuts. She has a severe phobia of sheep, and is obsessed with vintage dresses and cosplay.

Physically, Heather is not in great shape. She needs to lose quite a lot of weight. She is average-height with walnut skin, grey hair and green eyes. She has buck teeth.

She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young.

Heather’s best friend is a former partner at a law firm called Keegan Arnold. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with a former partner at a law firm called Frances Watkins. They enjoy drone photography together.